Tuber uncinatum mycorrhize



The Bur­gundy truffle (Tuber un­ci­natum ) is prob­ably the ed­ible truffle species mostly found in Eu­rope.
Tuber un­ci­natum was de­scribed and named by Chatin in 1887 from the latin un­ci­natus = bent in a hook

The lot of forest host species can live in sym­biosis with the Bur­gundy truffle, such as the truffle oaks, the truffle hazel trees, the truffle horn­beam and the truffle black pine.

The only truffle served at the Kings of France table during the Re­nais­sance was the Bur­gundy truffle.


The quality of truffle plants:

As men­tioned in the truffle plants sec­tion, this is a highest quality plants pro­duced in the France nursery via tech­niques de­vel­opped within the ISO 9001 stan­dard and li­censed by France National Institute for Agronomic Research.

Tuber un­ci­natum iden­ti­fi­ca­tion:



                              Un­ci­natum my­chor­rizes                                                 Roots




My­c­or­rhized truffle plants with the Bur­gundy truffle are avail­able in ANTI-CHIGNON® con­tainers in 4 dif­ferent sizes:

  • Anti-chignon® con­tainer R 430 cm3
  • Anti-chignon® con­tainer R 600 cm3
  • Anti-chignon® con­tainer R 1.5 l
  • Anti-chignon® con­tainer R 3 l





Host species avail­able for the My­c­or­rhized truffle plants with the Bur­gundy truffle:

Beside these two species, we of­fer other host species in order to be best adapted to the dif­ferent con­di­tions. Below is a list of all the host species of­fered for the my­c­chorized truffle plants with the Bur­gundy truffle:

  • CE­DRUS at­lantica – Atlas Cedar
  • OSTRYA carpini­folia – Horn­beam Hop
  • CARPINUS be­tulus – Common Horn­beam
  • QUERCUS pubescens – White Oak
  • QUERCUS robur – Pe­doncular Oak
  • FAGUS syl­vatica – Common Beech
  • CO­RYLUS avel­lana – Common Hazel
  • CO­RYLUS colurna – Turkish Hazel
  • PINUS nigra aus­triaca – Aus­trian Black Pine
  • TILIA cor­data – Lime - small leaved



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